Satellite Navigation

Deimos Leads Key Satellite Platform Development for Europe’s LEO-PNT Project

Madrid, 19th December – Deimos is playing a critical role in Europe’s LEO-PNT (Low-Earth Orbit Positioning, Navigation, and Timing) project. The company is leading the development of four satellite navigation platforms for one of ESA’s demonstrator missions led by Thales Alenia Space in France as prime contractor and Thales Alenia Space in Italy as Space Segment…

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Tsunami Prevention
A Tsunami Space-Based Early Warning System

Tsunami detection from Space – a nearly real-time system to detect ocean surface altimetric anomalies with satellites Nuno Silva*, Nuno Catarino*, Nuno Ávila* Maria Ana Baptista** Martin Wronna** Tsunamis are one of the deadliest natural disasters on Earth. Early-warning systems are essential to prevent and minimize their effects, but the current implemented systems have serious…

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